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蝴蝶蘭及其他蘭花  Orchid
適合開業 / 喬遷 / 展覽表演 / 生日周年紀念

Suitable for Grand Opening / Relocation / Exhibition Performances / Birthday Anniversary

OR01    HK$880 OR02    HK$980
黃色蝴蝶蘭, 蛇木, 玻璃瓶 蝴蝶蘭3菖, 植物, 蛇木, 纖維花盆
Yellow orchid and willow 3 stalk orchid with green plant and willow
arrange in a vase arrange in a Eco-friendly flower pots


OR03    HK$880 OR04   HK$1,800
迷你蝴蝶蘭3菖及長春藤葉, 瓷花器 粉色蝴蝶蘭6菖, 蛇木, 纖維花盆
3 stalk mini orchid and Ivy 6 stalk Pink orchid with willow
arrange in a ceramic pot arrange in a Eco-friendly flower pots


OR05    HK$2,380 OR06    HK$1,780
紫紅色蝴蝶蘭8菖及木枝, 藤球裝飾, 纖維花盆 粉色蝴蝶蘭6菖, 藤球裝飾, 瓷花器
8 stalk Red Purple orchid with willow and rattan balls 6 stalk Pink orchid with willow and rattan balls
arrange in a Eco-friendly flower pots arrange in a ceramic pot


OR07    HK$1,680 OR08    HK$3,200
粉色蝴蝶蘭5菖及蛇木, 植物,  藤球裝飾, 纖維花盆 黃蝴蝶蘭3菖, 粉色迷你蝴蝶蘭, 紅掌, 家樂花
5 stalk Yellow orchid with willow, green plant and rattan balls 及植物
arrange in a Eco-friendly flower pots 纖維花盆
  3 stalk Yellow orchid, Pink col. mini orchid,
  Anthurium, kalanchoe, plant
  arrange in a Eco-friendly flower pots


OR09    HK$980 OR10    HK$1,800
蝴蝶蘭2菖, 植物及紅木枝, 瓷花器 粉色蝴蝶蘭6菖, 絲花, 纖維花盆
2 stalk orchid with Plant and Red willow 6 stalk Pink orchid with silk flower
arrange in a ceramic pot arrange in a Eco-friendly flower pots


OR11    HK$1,480 OR12    HK$2,880
黃色蝴蝶蘭5菖及蛇木, 絲花, 瓷花器 紫紅色蝴蝶蘭10菖, 紅木, 纖維花盆
5 stalk Yellow orchid with willow and silk flower 10 stalk Red Purple orchid with Red willow
arrange in a ceramic pot arrange in a Eco-friendly flower pots


OR13    HK$2,380 OR14    HK$1,450
粉色蝴蝶蘭8菖, 長春藤葉及龍柳, 瓷花器 色蝴蝶蘭6菖, 白木片, 瓷花器
8 stalk Pink orchid Ivy and willow 6 stalk Yellow orchid with willow
arrange in a ceramic pot arrange in a ceramic pot


OR15    HK$1,680 OR16    HK$1,280
白色蝴蝶蘭5菖, 植物及蛇木, 瓷花器 白色蝴蝶蘭3菖, 植物及竹, 藤球裝飾, 藤花籃
5 stalk White orchid with Plant and willow 3 stalks White orchid with green plants, bamboo sticks
arrange in a ceramic pot and rattan balls
  arrange in a basket


OR17    HK$2,880 OR18    HK$980
白色蝴蝶蘭8菖, 植物及籐枝裝飾, 瓷花器 紫紅色蝴蝶蘭3菖及繡球保鮮花, 白木, 透明玻璃瓶
8 stalk White orchid with Plant and willow 3 stalk Red purple orchid with Preserved Hydrangea,
arrange in a ceramic pot arrange in a clear vase


OR19    HK$2,380 OR20   HK$1,500
紫紅色蝴蝶蘭8菖, 家樂花, 長春藤葉及小鳥, 黃色蝴蝶蘭5菖及木枝, 藤球裝飾, 瓷花器
籐枝裝飾, 藤花籃 5 stalk Yellow orchid willow and rattan balls
8 stalk Red Purple orchid with kalanchoe, Ivy, arrange in a ceramic pot
Bird and willow  
arrange in a basket  


OR21    HK$2,900 OR22    HK$3,680
白色蝴蝶蘭9菖, 景德鎮瓷花盆 粉色蝴蝶蘭10菖, 多肉植物及籐枝裝飾, 瓷花器
9 stalk White orchid 10 stalk Pink orchid with Echeveria and willow
arrange in a ceramic pot arrange in a ceramic pot


OR23    HK$3,200 OR24     HK$1,800
粉色蝴蝶蘭10菖及籐枝裝飾, 瓷花盆 粉色蝴蝶蘭 6菖, 紅掌, 瓷花盆
10 stalk Pink orchid 6 stalk Pink orchid with Plant and willow
arrange in a ceramic pot arrange in a ceramic pot






 **所有相片只供作參考, 部份品種可能因季節性供應不同而短缺, 本公司將以同等價值的其他作替代


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